The last direct flights from Chania are gone
Chania will return to its native rhythms from December to March.
Via Athens it is still possible to reach Chania, they have regular domestic flights to and from Athen
Many hotels remain open over the winter, especially at the harbor. Winter tourists enjoy the tranquility of the harbor and the locals are already preparing for the next season.
The nightlife is limited in some clubs, the temperatures also allow during this time to eat and drink outside. Many restaurants close only over Christmas.
Up to 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature rises during the day. In the evening, at least up to 15 degrees can be felt. As everywhere in the world, the Christmas spirit is felt here as well. The shops are already fully equipped.
January and February are the coldest months, but the sun is mostly visible. In the evening it is cooler and from 6pm is already dark. In 2019, the shortest day with 9 hours, 45 minutes of daylight is the 22nd of December. From 23rd December the days will be longer again.
The olives are now collected, local olive oil is available everywhere, the quality is felt. Crete appreciates its products and the Cretans are proud to present them to their guests.
Let’s look forward to the new season.